Hi, I am a professional programmer with over 8 years of experience in Lua! I can make pretty much anything with an extreme level of tidiness and optimization.
Roblox - @nexos_x7
Twitter - @nexos_x7
Discord - @nexos_x7
View ProjectsView UIThe analytics listed below were last sourced on 4/4/2024
Some of my previous works, last sourced 4/4/2024
A PS99 stylized limited shop interface
A PS99 stylized inventory interface
A PS99 stylized free reward interface
A PS99 stylized codes interface
Some of my previous works, last sourced 4/4/2024
A simple loading screen with a motion background, and a simple area loading system.
Designed as a proof of concept of the hit game Wordle.
Designed as a proof of concept to solve any wordle I had.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple building system including walls, doors, windows, roofs, floors etc.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple building system including walls, doors, windows, roofs, floors etc.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple block placement system.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple character customization system.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple version of the well knows Conway's game of life algorithm.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple (unfinished) virtual desktop.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple version of Minecraft's terrain generation.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple node based programming system.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple version of the popular quiz game, Kahoot.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple RP based environment and interaction system.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple space-based simulator-type game where your "plots" revolve around a central area.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple VFX I made as a proof of concept.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple stop motion creation system where you can create simple stop motion animations.
Designed as a proof of concept of a simple collection based simulator type game where you click an available item that you walk to and collect the item.